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Creating Embed Widgets for Affiliates

Last updated:
March 7, 2024

Recast’s unique Embed Widget functionality allows Recast Publishers to display your live and on-demand content on any website, anywhere across the internet.

If another platform wishes to share a publisher's content on their site then the Publisher can follow these simple steps to get them set up with a widget. We recommend Publishers set up Affiliate Widgets at least 48 hours before any live event to allow enough time for event promotion.

Setting up an Affiliate account

Step 1

Who: Publisher

Send us the following information about your proposed Affiliate:

- Email address

- Website

Step 2

Who: Recast

We’ll send the Affiliate an invite link to set up a “dark” channel to collect revenue (as opposed to publishing content).

Step 3

Who: Affiliate

To complete this the Affiliate will need:

- Name

- Company name

- Primary contact email address

- Job title

- Registered address

- A name for their dark channel

- Profile and background image

The Affiliate must not click "Move channel to live". Their channel doesn't need to be live to act as an Affiliate

Step 4

Who: Affiliate

The Affiliate should let Recast know when they've set up their account and we'll enable them to share content from the Publisher.

Set out how much the Affiliate will earn

Step 5

Who: Publisher

The Publisher then sets the share value of their content. This is the percentage of earnings that Publishers will give to Affiliates who share their content via a link or host it on their own site via an Embed Widget.

Creating an Affiliate Embed Widget

Step 6

Who: Affiliate

The Affiliate will now be able to create a widget containing the Publisher’s content to put on your site. You do so from the Widgets tab in Recast Publish. To find out more on how to create Embed widgets click here.

Step 7

Who: Affiliate

When the Affiliate has set up the widget, they simply paste the widget code into their website. Once done so send us the website URL and we’ll do a quick check to make sure everything is in place for you.

And that’s it! The Affiliate will now earn from every purchase of content from the widget on their website in line with the revenue split agreed with the Publisher. Easy!