Features & Benefits
- Stream in 720 (HD)
- Up to 10 hours of 720 (HD) storage*
- 1 stream per month (up to 2 hours)
- 1 RTMP Key
- Unlimited Embed Widgets
- Recast Affiliate
*If your content becomes dormant (0 purchases for over 30 days) you may be charged for storage or your content may be removed.
- Basic customer support. Note: no priority support provided with FREE
- Notification emails
- Unlimited Channel Admins (limited time only)
The platform has a minimum price (on-demand - 1 Cast/minute, live - 1.25 Casts/minute) to ensure your content is valued appropriately.
Pay Annually
1 annual payment of
(ex. VAT)
Get 2 months for free
*plus 30% commision on each sale