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Get started as an Affiliate on Recast

Last updated:
October 10, 2024

Recast’s unique Embed Widget functionality allows Affiliates to display live and on-demand content from Recast Vendors on any website, anywhere across the internet. Here's how to get started.

Duration: Around 10 minutes

What you'll need

  • Your name
  • Company name - if applicable
  • Company registered address - if applicable
  • Primary contact email address
  • Primary contact job title
  • A name for your channel
  • A profile and background image for the channel

1: Setting up an affiliate account

To start setting up your affiliate account, go to

Firstly, you'll be asked to first create a Recast user account, or if you already have one, you can just sign-in with your existing fan account details. You'll then need to provide some details such as the primary contact for this Affiliate account and once you've done that you can start to set up your Affiliate account

Adding your details

Give your Affiliate account a name, description, profile image, and cover image that makes you easily recognisable to Recast vendors.

For the best profile and cover image, please follow these guidelines

  • Profile image: 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Cover image: 1920 x 1080 pixels

Become an affiliate

Once your channel is all set up, please contact us to request to be added as an affiliate to other Recast Vendors. You'll be notified when these vendors have whitelisted your affiliate account, allowing you to share their content and earn a pre-set percentage of the price of each piece of content (typically 10-20%).

2: Start earning

Once you've been added as an Affiliate from a Recast Vendor you will then be able to create a widget containing this Vendor's content to put on your site. You do so from the Widgets tab in Recast for Business. To find out more on how to create Affiliate Embed widgets click here.

And that’s it! You’ll now earn from every purchase of content from the widget on your website in line with the revenue split you’ve agreed with the Publisher. Easy!